Elite Dangerous Packaging
When I started playing Elite Dangerous I was immediately drawn to the immersive setting and game play. Getting to build your own ship and be a bounty hunter, smuggler, explorer or pirate drew me in to the world building of the game. In some of the main stations there are named goods that you can pick up and sell for higher prices around the galaxy. I was captivated by the idea of these premium space liquors and spent years mulling ideas over before I finally created a few.
“Leestian evil juice acquired its name from local security forces, claiming that those intoxicated with this powerful liquor seem to be possessed with a pure evil.” - in game description
“A highly valued liquor from the old world of Lave. Using ancient breeds of grains grown in it's tropical climate, under a permit from the government, the distillate is kept in old earth oak barrels and held in an orbital maturing facility for decades to achieve maximum richness.” - in game description